
Come on you reds

Monday, March 2, 2015

SOLSC March 2nd- NUMERO 2!

Recently I watched the movie Gravity. Imagine the insurance costs after that. I mean even the ISS was destroyed. But nevertheless it was a good movie in my opinion. I am now officially never becoming an astronaut. It would be beautiful but I don't think I could handle confined spaces and then the open ones. When i was around seven I really wanted to become an astronaut, and the Axe advertisements are pretty enticing, but after watching that movie I'm not going anywhere near a rocket. Sorry NASA.


  1. Nice! I love the idea of space travel but it is dangerous! Cool slice!

  2. I loved this movie and me and nate did a movie review on it... ask him to show you. PS did you know that there is such thing as space tourism? read about it here\

  3. I agree. When I was young I wanted to be an astronaut but once I saw this movie I threw the idea out the window.

  4. I agree about not wanting to be an astronaut anymore.

  5. I don't want to work as an astronaut but I will still go to space when given an opportunity later in my life.
