
Come on you reds

Friday, February 27, 2015

SOLSC March 1st

Snow Biking 

Slipping and sliding all over the street we raced to the park. The occasional ram and tumble came into play as we made our journey through the snow. Our bike tires slipped and made a faint effort to 
clutch the icy streets. Suddenly I felt a jolt from my back tire. I turned around to see the 
culprit fly off of his bicycle and land in the snow. I peddled slightly faster to 
escape the group and now I was leading the way another hit from 
behind, but this time I was effected. My bike drifted 
back and forth struggling to grip the paved
street. We all laughed and attempted
to ram each other for the rest
of the morning. Snow
days are 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Book Blog- Winter Collective-

My favorite book(s) are in the Wolf Brother series by Michelle Paver. I haven't read them in a long time, and I forgot most of the story, but over my Winter Collective I returned to my favorite in the series, Spirit Walker. This book follows Torak, in prehistoric times and his journey to avenge his father, which takes him across all odds and ends of the world. In this book he crosses the sea looking for a cure to a deadly disease that is sweeping the mainland. His adventures take him to many dangers, including sea creatures and people. This book is a relatively easy read, but is full of action and fun.

I used to chose books based on the cover, but now I tend to lean towards peoples reviews on them, and what I've read in the past and enjoyed. This has led me to better books, and more fun reads that i can thoroughly enjoy.

Next 3 books-

Finish the Cherub Series

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cherub Man Vs Beast

James and his sister Lauren are sent to investigate a case, where multiply scientists at an animal lab research center have been threatened and killed. Animal rights activists seem to be the culprits, but they have planned much more. Can James and Lauren stop them before it is all to late, or will something bigger develop. There is a lot of mature content in this book, like the others, but it is a fantastic read, and it is full of action.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Slice of Life- All Done

My finger slowly moves back and forth casting away the very last dry rubber cement. Fluttering through the air the freshly mounted paper slowly falls into place. Slice, slice, slice, slam. The sounds of the primary workroom paper cutter finishing my work. A heavy weight lifted off my shoulders, my prison bars crumbled. I was free, all free, and now, what next, no work, no RESPONSIBILITY. Hallelujah!
The angels sing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cherub Book 5- Divine Madness

After the NSA intercept an email with contents hinting a terrorist attack on Hong Kong, James and his fellow Cherub peers Bruce, Kyle and Kerry are sent to Hong Kong. They must spy and try to gather as much information on the possibility of an attack. Will they gather enough information to stop an attack, or will an unknown attack occur and possibly devastate the world. There is quite a lot of mature content in this book, but it is fantastic and I recommend it to any avid reader looking for a book full of action and suspense.