
Come on you reds

Friday, February 27, 2015

SOLSC March 1st

Snow Biking 

Slipping and sliding all over the street we raced to the park. The occasional ram and tumble came into play as we made our journey through the snow. Our bike tires slipped and made a faint effort to 
clutch the icy streets. Suddenly I felt a jolt from my back tire. I turned around to see the 
culprit fly off of his bicycle and land in the snow. I peddled slightly faster to 
escape the group and now I was leading the way another hit from 
behind, but this time I was effected. My bike drifted 
back and forth struggling to grip the paved
street. We all laughed and attempted
to ram each other for the rest
of the morning. Snow
days are 


  1. I love biking. I like snow days too.

  2. I love how you described everything in a kind of poetic way. I also like how you formatted your words to make them into an interesting shape.

  3. I know right! Snow days ARE awesome, if your not sick. I don't think I would have had the guts to go outside, I probably hope for a snow day and when that happens, hope for something else. :)

  4. I'm still upset I couldn't go to this chaotic experience.

  5. The wild joy of the moment is wonderfully captured here Eddie. Nice slice!

  6. Sounds like a lot of fun. I love snow days! Nice slice

  7. Sounds like a lot of fun. I love snow days! Nice slice

  8. That was so much fun. On the roads, sorry we couldn't have you nate.
